
Phones Banned from Resort

In Bali there is a resort called the Ayana Resort and Spa where technology usage is banned. Many people are shocked by the decision that this Resort has made because these tropical resorts make money and get new customers from social media. Many people post pictures in the places they visit which intrigues people who travel and are going to want to go. This spa has lockers where you can leave your phone if you do not feel comfortable leaving it in the hotel room. The Resort says that the purpose for banning cellphones and ipads is so that their customers can live in the moment and actually enjoy their vacation. They don't want their customers to be worried about their phones or social media post but to enjoy the money that they spend going to Bali. Now and days when people travel they take cameras, phones, ipads so that they can capture everything to post later. But they are simply seeing everything through a device because they absorbing the moment.

Bali Swing

For this week’s blog I will talk about something I wanted to do in Bali but I didn't get the chance too. In Bali many tourist go to the famous ‘Bali Swing’ where you get a good view of the forest background. This swing not only gives you a thrill feeling and adrenaline rush but, it is a famous place where you can take pictures. The view from the swing is breathtaking because you can see all the greens that Bali has. The background is so beautiful it looks fake. The website has packages where you can include transportation to the Bali Swing. This park also has rafting, elephant riding, biking, and a visit to a beautiful waterfall. I was very upset I was not able to get a picture on the Bali Swing because i've seen many famous people that go to Bali and get their picture taken there.

2 strange meals in japan

For today’s news report I will speak about a trendy meal in Japan, that has received a lot of attention. This new meal ramen noodles in a bun. Everything you would put into your hot ramen noodle, you put it into a hot dog bun and eat from their. You do not add any of the broth just the noodles, egg, unions, ext. This meal came from a coffee and sandwich spot called, “Happy Buns”. This place is popular for their buns, they also a S'mores bun sandwich. This sounds so bad to me but I would still love to try news meals. The ramen sandwich sounds very drying to me, i am not sure I would like that but the S'mores sandwich does sound good. A second strange meals that is eaten in Japan are dancing ice fish. These fishes are tiny and you are supposed to eat them alive while they wiggle around in your mouth.

Indonesian wedding traditions

Marriage has many traditions that symbolize that culture. In Indonesia one famous marriage tradition is the requirement to plant a tree once you are engaged. In the village of Bohol if you are going to get married you must plant at least 5 teak seedling in critical lands. The value of planting and harvesting is important to its people which is why they decided to kill two birds with one stone; You can get married with your loved one and you will be helping the environment. The lands of Gunung Kidul are dry and arid which is why the need to have more green was a high priority. A second tradition that isn't normal is the parents on the bride have to go and personally ask for the grooms hand. Than after they can proceed with the wedding plans. That day the bride's parents take plates of food to the groom's family so they can taste the cooking of the family.

Dolphins tortured in Bali

Bali is known to be a touristy place. They are also known for the amount of nature and exotic animals they have. In an article from The Independence News Report I found an article that states how dolphins are getting their teeth taken out so they won't bite tourist. This has resulted as leaving the animals traumatized. As well as making the dolphins perform and leap to the side of the pool; causing them to have stress in their internal organs and breathing problems. When I was in Bali I rode a camel and an elephant and I can't even imagine what those animals had to go through to learn to entertain humans. I do not believe in animal’s getting tortured or hit in order to learn something. These animals should be taken into consideration and not seen as objects for fun. Animals should also be respected, they have feelings too.

Flea Market in Bali

For this week's blog post I will be speaking about the Flea Market in Denpasar. We stopped at the flea market to shop, and they had a lot of beautiful things for sale. The flea Market was very similar to ours flea market, yet ours is more modern. In the San Jose Flea Market there are tables where you can rest and see the mariachi play. We also have jumpers and horses for the kids to ride; it is more alive. The Bali flea market in the other hand was more calm, people were not selling food. The stands consisted of clothes, handmade jewelry, toys, glasses and more. There were hardly any people and felt lonely.The location itself was not that big, it only had around 30 stands. I think this is just because there is a lot of street selling in all of Indonesia that a flea market is pointless because they sell the same stuff outside. As for the San Jose Flea Market it is very packed and more vibrant, you need to pay for parking and it feels more like a festival.

Famous Bali Spice

For this blog post I want to discuss a fun topic. I will be speaking about a famous Indonesian hot sauce. While I was in Bali, we went out to eat our second day there at a restaurants. We asked for hot sauce, hoping they would give us ‘Valentina’ or ‘Tapatio’. The waitress was not sure what we were asking for but she brought “sambal”. Sambal is a type of spicy paste, almost like guacamole. We all took one taste of the salsa because it was way too spicy; and we love spicy food but that was very hot. Sambal is made up off chili peppers, fish paste, garlic, ginger, scallion, lime juice, rice vinegar, and more ingredients.This hot salsa was not the type of sauce we were expecting but it does the job if you are looking for a spice in your food. There were many good dishes in Bali. Another plate that was very tasty was the rice and the teriyaki chicken.